£20 | Full Price Ticket |
This is not a tribute show! Christine Bovill established her reputation as one of Europe's finest interpreters of French song with her smash-hit Piaf. At the heart of the story is a young Glasgow girl, reluctant in school French until she heard 'that song'. Her journey is interwoven with Edith Piaf's life, and those incredible songs, La Vie En Rose, L’Hymne A L’Amour, Milord, No Regrets....
An award-winning songwriter in her own right, Bovill has toured throughout Europe and the Far East with her self-penned homage to the Little Sparrow, appearing on BBC Newsnight and on BBC Radio 4’s series, Soul Music. Her own compositions have appeared in film and TV. During her Edinburgh Fringe sell-out run at the Famous Speigeltent, she shared the stage with Charles Dumont, great friend of Piaf and, most famously, composer of Non, Je ne Regrette Rien. Validation for her work didn’t come much higher..
Becoming 'the stuff of Fringe legend' (BroadwayBaby.com), Piaf stirs in the eternal Parisian tangle of passion and pain.